Leftovers from production – “floor sweep” (ID: 24484)


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Have you heard the saying: “One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure”. After every major cleaning we end up with a lot of all kinds of broken boards, electronic components, modules, boxes, displays, chips and other material. There are many useful components inside and it is a pity to just throw this away. We have split the material in bags of about a half of a kilo and we are selling them. On the bare component value you are surely going to get a lot more than you will pay for.

You could even find expensive final RF transistors in there.

There is no guarantee that you will get exactly this, but there is a good chance that you will get:
– Various capacitors, resistors, coils (100% at least some of these)
– Switches, connectors, keys (50% chance)
– LCD or LED displays (25% chance)
– Small plastic boxes
– Small bipolar or MOS RF transistors (80% chance)
– Final RF transistors (10% chance)
– Driver RF transistors (80% chance)
– Broken FM exciter boards (some may even be working)
– Broken LCD display units
– Broken stereo exciter boards (some may even be working)
– Plenty spare parts for our boards
– Cable of one or other kind
– Small transformers

IMPORTANT: Please note we will not assist you with repairing of our broken old boards purchased through this special sale. We are also unable to provide any schematics!



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