Runs off car battery, mains power or solar power, perfect for remote rural areas
This package is based on our compact 15W, 25W CYBERWAVE FM+ transmitter for budget-conscious broadcasters, operating from 87.5 to 108 MHz (with option for going down to 76MHz). This is a small, but well built and reliable package with DSP stereo and RDS, antenna with coaxial cable, optional mains power supply or solar power supply, satellite receiver (without standard satellite dish which you can order locally). The 15W and 25W package can be powered from a car battery (13.8V-15V). Several power sources can be connected at the same time for 15W-50W models, transmitter will automatically switch between them to ensure 24/7 signal. Excellent for re-transmission of audio from satellite radio stations. A perfect backup transmitter for a large radio station, main transmitter for a small community/village radio, church radio or educational radio. Very suitable for portable or improvised installations and small radio stations in Africa and other remote installations, advertising (housing, shops), special occasions, drive-in cinema wireless sound distribution, translation, tourism…. .
Protected with Temp and SWR protection. .
– Decent audio quality and stereo separation (DSP+DDS modulator)
– Enough power for up to 30km of range with good antenna and location on a mountain top (50W) or even more (100W)
– 50W package is fully portable and can run from car battery, battery pack, mains or solar power
– Automatic switching between power sources
– Fan equipped with removable filter (can be cleaned without opening the transmitter)
– Includes everything, even coaxial cable and antenna
– Does not require PC remote control (everything is set via LCD)
– The CyberMaxFM+ SE/BE units have better RF S/N quality than the Nano series (not an issue in most low power applications)
– The CyberMaxFM+ SE/BE units have better sound
– Does not have PC remote control (everything is set via LCD which can also be advantage)
– The nano systems have audio input board which this model does not
It is never easy to predict range. You can expect from 5km to about 30-50Km and sometimes even more depending on power, antenna and location. More in very good conditions. This depends a lot on terrain configuration, type of antenna and especially the location of the antenna, coaxial cable quality and length and of course quality of receivers.
– CyberWave 15W, 25W, 50W or 100W FM transmitter (based on STMAX exciters).
– No tune wideband GP antenna
– Antenna mounting aid
– 5m of H-155 coaxial cable with matching connectors installed
How do I wire up the transmitter, antenna and audio sources?
Look at the video below:
– 15W and 25W transmitters runs off 15V @ 5A max for 25W of power. If you don’t already own one you can buy ours. It runs off 110V to 240V.
– 50W transmitter runs off 15V @ 7A max for 50W of power. If you don’t already own one you can buy ours. It runs off 110V to 240V.
The mains cable for this is the same as used for PC and is not included (every country uses different plug). It is simply plugged into mains power supply and wall socket.
50W transmitter runs off 15V @ 7A max at full power. Solar system working at 24/7 continuously should have:
– At least 200W of solar panels
– 12V 150Ah or larger solar battery
– Charge regulator
– Connect transmitter to the solar battery (12V!)
– You can add inverter if you want to also run a PC or something else from this setup, but ensure that panel and battery will support all loads.
– We recommend that you order this locally, even in Africa there are usually cheap solar solutions available. Due to size and weight shipping such systems worldwide is very expensive.
Yes, you can use car battery of course or power via cigarette lighter plug to power 50W transmitter..
Optional items: Basic Studio (mixer and microphone)
Save yourself some time and get studio package as well. Studio package A includes:
– 8-channel Behringer mixer (8 channels, 2 mic inputs with compressor, USB audio interface)
– Studio microphone with cable
– Microphone stand
– This package is updated from time to time to include new better mixer/microphone at approximately same cost.
What is modification with software for 76-108MHz?
This is the microcontroller IC with modified software that enables STMAX units to work from 76MHz to 108MHz. In order to use this you have to remove original IC from LCD control module (it is in a socket) and place this modified. Immediately frequency range will be expanded. You can change back to the standard IC at any time. This item can be purchased separately and it will also work with STMAX units that you purchased in the past (unless they are really old). Make sure to take correct version for your display! Important: The LCD shows less power than there actually is available below 76MHz. Also actual output power may be a bit less under 87MHz, how much depends on the board but usually about 20-30% less at 76MHz. Also the LCD itself will show less power than there actually is being transmitted. So keep in mind that your display will show maybe 5W but 10-12W will be transmitted.
– Your PC. Just plug audio cable into your sound card.
– CD player, MP3 player or any other music reproduction system
– Mixing board with microphone and other audio gear
– Mobile phone via audio cable
What is RDS?
Radio Data System, basically it displays station name and sometimes song name and similar information on a compatible radio receiver. Very popular in Europe, less so in the US. Can be set from the LCD display!
– Power supply (if you get ours) requires mains cable which can be purchased in your country (each country has a different mains plug and we don’t carry all). This is standard cable used in your PC for example and its price is typically around 1 US$ or less. You can get it in any electronics store, such as radio shack, circuit city, any computer store etc.
– Good taste for music and great skill to put together a program that will dazzle your listeners
– Satellite receiver if you want to pass audio from satellite feed
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