New stereo encoder series with impressive 114x oversampling
SE7000 series stereo encoders feature a number of big enhancements and raise the bar considerably for stereo separation and audio excellence. The amazing sonic purity and clarity are sure to impress you. The new MPX multiplexer circuit is 114x oversampled and gives better stereo separation than anything else in its price range. Additional digital audio input completely eliminates any ground-loop problems. The new SE7000 series stereo encoder is an improved SE6000 DSP+ design. You can read about the differences between the two models below:
Model DSP+
– Stereo encoder with DSP audio processor
– DSP technology with new better compressor and limiter
– Pre-emphasis and pilot level now adjustable from LCD display
– Digital audio inputs (USB)
– Extremely sharp low pass filters with deep 19KHz notch
– Can be connected to our MAX PRO 6000/7000/8000 series FM exciters and controlled from its LCD module (or its own LCD module).
– Precision LC filtered MPX output signal
You can find the manual for this (and other products) here.
How are SE7000 DSP+ better than SE6000 DSP+
– Further improved stereo separation due to DC offset adjustment trimmer
– Replaced telemetry with actual old-school RS232 port
– Fixed a number of bugs so the boards are shiny and error free
– New RDS IO board with a number of fixes also available
Can I upgrade my SE6000 DSP+ with new stereo encoder?
Yes, it is a drop-in replacement. Same size, same holes. Only the RS232 connector is now on the main board and not on the RDS IO board.
Technical specifications:
– Audio Response: 10Hz-15KHz, DSP or LC filtered (as per CCIR standards)
– DSP: 24-bit Digital Signal Processor, Analog: LC filters
– 19KHz notch filter, >-60 dB typ
– Precise pre-emphasis, 50uS, 75uS or none
– Audio Input Impedance: 10Kohm, balanced or unbalanced
– Audio Input Level: 0 dB
– Distortion: <0.1%
– S/N ratio: >80 dB
– Separation: >60 dB typ. (more than any radio receiver you can buy on the market)
– Pilot Frequency: 19 KHz, 114x oversampled MPX
– Output Impedance: 75 Ohms
– Power Requirements: 12-15VDC / 160-200mA
– PC Board Size: 100x110mm
– Audio connectors: all RCA jacks are mounted on the board, 3-pin jumpers for XLR balanced inputs, optional MCX or solder pads for MPX output
– Power connector: solder pads
– Output level: Ueff 1-4V adjustable with trimmer
What is the RDSIO7000+ board?
This is a plug-in upgrade board for SE7000. It is simply plugged into it. Once connected the SE7000+ gains these new functions:
– RDS (Radio Data System)
– Remote control via PC (if used with MAXPRO6000/7000/8000 series FM exciter), you can now connect USB cable to PC and set all parameters for FM transmitter remotely.
– Two XLR audio inputs
– Three BNC connectors (MPX out, MPX in and 19KHz TTL out). This photo shows it very nicely.
Can I use RDSIO7000+ board as a very affordable stand-alone RDS encoder?
Yes, of course. You will have to connect the following signals to the board to make it work as RDS encoder:
– Connect +5V to pin marked with +5V close to header J5
– Connect RX and TX RS232 TTL signals to the RX and TX pins close to header J5.
– If you have 19KHz signal available (it needs to be TTL level square wave) you can feed it into pin 19K next to header J5. If you install jumper J8 you can also feed 19KHz into the right BNC connector.
– The RDS signal is available on pin MPXin, you can adjust its level with P1
– The XLR connectors are not connected, the BNC are also basically not useful.
– Software to program these encoders is called RDSMAX. Click to download.
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