15W to 100W CyberNanoFM+ budget drive-in-cinema FM package (ID: 24233)

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SKU: 1W, 15W, 25W, 50W, 76-108MHz Category:

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Low power FM transmitter packages for drive-in cinema, advertising, parking lot church service or small local radio, various emergencies!

Most also run off the batteries (12-15V), practical for mobile or solar powered installations
This package is based on our CYBERNANOFM+ 15W, 50W or 100W rack-mounted FM transmitter series for low power applications, operating from 87.5 to 108 MHz. This is a small, but well built and reliable package with DSP stereo, great audio and RDS, antenna, coaxial cable with connectors and optional mains power supply. Remote control via Ethernet is also an option. 15W to 100W versions package can also be powered from a car battery (13.8V-15V) which can save lives in emergency. A perfect backup transmitter for a large radio station, main transmitter for a small community radio, church radio or advertising. Very suitable for portable or improvised installations and small radio stations in Africa and other remote installations, advertising (housing, shops), special occasions, drive-in cinema, wireless sound distribution, translation, tourism…. .

Protected with Temp and SWR protection. This is a budget solution, for certified professional model look here.

Here is a guide to setting up FM transmitter for drive-in cinema.

– Great audio quality and stereo separation (DSP+DDS modulator)
– USB audio input for direct connection to PC or laptop
– RDS parameters can be set via LCD display (no PC required)
– High quality ESD protected RF hardened balanced audio inputs
– Both RCA and XLR inputs
– Enough power for up to 10km of range with good antenna and location on a mountain top (25W with good antenna)
– Fully portable and can run from car battery or battery pack.
– Includes coaxial cable and antenna

– Does not have the MPX input which is rarely an issue
– The CyberMaxFM+ SE units have better RF S/N quality than the Nano series. Nano series is a budget solution for remote locations where potential RF interference is not a problem.

Exact range depends a lot on terrain configuration, type of antenna and especially the location of the antenna and of course quality of receivers. Even 1W is often enough for drive-in cinema but sometimes there could be interference sources and overpowering them can require more power. 15W is a good selection. You can set power anywhere from zero to max with LCD display/keys, there are 100 steps.

Our transmitters are very reliable but something can always go wrong. Ever dropped something? Spilled coffee over keyboard? A backup system, even if at 15W only, can save your face and keep your customers satisfied even if the unthinkable happens. Once your customers start rolling in you will be very glad you have a backup.


CyberNanoFM+ 15W, 50W or 100W FM transmitter with DSP and RDS in 1H rack
– 1-15W ttransmitters ship with Half wave sleeve dipole antenna (includes a mounting clamp), gain is roughly -1 dBd.
– 25W, 50W and 100W transmitters ship with dipole antenna (includes a mounting clamp), gain is roughly 1 dBd.
– 5m of coaxial cable with matching connectors installed

Technical specifications:
– Frequency range 87.5 to 108MHz (ask for other bands)
– Smallest PLL step 100KHz
– Output power: 15W/50W/100W depending on model, adjustable from 0 to max via LCD in nice even steps
– Output impedance: 50 unbalanced, VSWR less than 2:1 for full output
– RF output connector: 50ohm BNC female
– Audio input connectors: RCA (cinch) and XLR, USB for digital audio
– Audio level: 1Vpp (PC soundcard output level)
– Audio input impedance: 10Kohms
– Pre-emphasis: Flat, 50 or 75usec, adjustable
– RF Spurious: >-50 dBc @ +- 1MHz min. away from carrier
– RF Harmonics: > -50 dBc Standard
– Monitoring Led: Power on, SWR/TEMP/PLL error
– Harmonic distortion (THD): > 0,1% ( 0,05% typ. )
– Channel separation: >40 dB, 20Hz to 15kHz
– Power supply: 15V/3A (15W), 15V/7A (50W), 15V/12A (100W)
– Standard 19″ 1HE rack, 125mm deep (about 5″), about 4kg (volumetric)

Manuals and drivers for most products are available under the Additional Information tab above, just under the prices. Some old manuals are here. 
If your web browser blocks the download, you may have to allow it manually. You can send us questions here.

How much range can I expect?
You can read more about the range in this guide HERE.

How do I wire up the transmitter, antenna and audio sources?
Look at the image below (click to enlarge) for an example of a nice radio station with some studio items. At the bottom of this page look for the links to other items that you can use to setup your radio station (WHAT ELSE WILL I NEED AND IT WASN’T INCLUDED? and WHAT CAN I USE AS AUDIO SOURCE?).

Click to enlarge

– Transmitter runs off 15V. If you don’t already own one you can either decide to buy it locally, use car battery or 15V solar power setup or you can buy our mains power supply and run off the grid.

What parameters can I change via PC remote control?
Its best that you look at the screen capture below. The program may change over time as we make enhancements, we will be adding more features soon! Feel free to ask for any features you may want.

USB/RS232 remote control via PC

What is RDS?
RadioData System, basically it displays station name and sometimes song name and similar information on a compatible radio receiver. Very popular in Europe, less so in the US.

What is the Ethernet control module?
This optional add-on module lets you connect this FM transmitter to Ethernet. It lets you control frequency, power and RDS parameters from your PC remotely.

What is the Ethernet control + Barix IP audio + MP3 playout ?
This optional add-on module lets you connect this FM transmitter to Ethernet. It lets you control frequency, power and RDS parameters from your PC remotely. It also allows you to stream IP audio to the transmitter with built-in Barix IP audio streaming receiver. It will automatically play MP3 files from the USB drive if IP audio isn’t online. Playlist can also be configured for these MP3 files.

What is modification with software for 76-108MHz?
This is the microcontroller IC with modified software that enables STMAX units to work from 76MHz to 108MHz. In order to use this you have to remove original IC from LCD control module (it is in a socket) and place this modified. Immediately frequency range will be expanded. You can change back to the standard IC at any time. This item can be purchased separately and it will also work with STMAX units that you purchased in the past (unless they are really old). Make sure to take correct version for your display! Important: The LCD shows less power than there actually is available below 76MHz. Also actual output power may be a bit less under 87MHz, how much depends on the board but usually about 20-30% less at 76MHz. Also the LCD itself will show less  power than there actually is being transmitted. So keep in mind that your display will show maybe 5W but 10-12W will be transmitted.

Important: Due to large size and irregular shape of these packages the website often gets shipping cost wrong. For exact shipping cost please contact
our sales department, be sure to give them your exact address and they will quote you shipping. It also does not hurt to ask for a special discount.

– A high quality mixer with telephone hybrids, such as this very popular mixer from D&R or perhaps another popular mixer also from D&R
– Professional broadcasting microphone with noise-free stand,
– Your PC. Just plug audio cable into your sound card.  And playback software such as this one. There are others such as Raduga, Jazler…
– CD player, MP3 player or any other music reproduction system

– Some transmitters require mains plug which can be purchased in your country (each country has a different mains plug and we don’t carry all). This is standard mains plug and its price is typically around 1 US$ or less. You can get it in any electronics store, such as radio shack, circuit city, any computer store etc. Always use grounded plug for your safety!
Radio Essentials Kit contains various connectors and adapters plus an RigExpert MATCH upgradeable antenna analyzer , every stations should have these at hand at any time.
– Audio source, you can read more about this above
– Coaxial cable grounding kits can be purchased here, they ensure lightning protection when used with grounded antennas. They should be installed at the antenna (if needed, most dipoles are grounded), at the tower base and at the point of entrance into building.
– Also use self-sealing tape which turns into rubber and prevents moisture from entering your connectors and coaxial cable.


Additional information


CYBERNANO+ (STMAX) program for Windows

Beta version 1.2 with fix for AutoRT, just exe file (copy into installation folder):

Here is the driver for USB port for XP, W2K, Vista and Windows7:
http://www.pcs-electronics.com/software ... driver.zip

Here is the driver for USB port for XP, Vista and Windows7 that should work in 64 as well:
http://www.pcs-electronics.com/software ... omPort.exe

And finally a USB driver for Windows 10:

To use Ethernet download and install this program:
http://www.pcs-electronics.com/software ... alPort.exe
When you order this feature you also receive serial number, if you did not please email with your order number and we will give you serial number.


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