FM odašiljači
Molimo pomaknite se prema dolje kako biste odabrali i kupili naše FM odašiljače!
If you are lost and don’t know where to start consider reading this guide for setting up drive in cinema FM radio written by PCS Electronics. In contains a bunch of interesting information to help you get started. These scenarios are typically encountered:
Small community stations in remote areas, far from urban centers or critical infrastructure, with limited budget.
CyberNano odašiljači, CyberNano paketi and this Low power FM transmitter with STEREO/RDS for Simultaneous Interpretation work best for these since they come with built-in stereo encoder and RDS.
Male društvene postaje koje zahtijevaju radio signal visoke kvalitete
Ako vaš signal treba biti čist, ali male snage i dometa, razmislite o ovome 15W, 25W, 50W and 100W CyberMaxFM+ SE V3 drive-in-cinema FM package ili ovo 1000W CyberMaxFM+ SE+ V3 paket FM odašiljača. Both have great clean signal and audio and come with RDS and DSP processing.
Velike stanice s maksimalnim dometom
Razmotrite naše 2000W CyberMaxFM+ SE+ V3 paket FM odašiljača ili 3000W CyberMaxFM+ BE+ FM transmitter package transmitter package for maximum range.
CyberNano | CyberMaxFM SE | CyberMaxFM BE | |
Output Power: | 100mW-100W | 15-3000W | 15-3000W |
Stereo | Built-in, no MPX input | Optional, MPX input | Optional, MPX input |
RDS | Built-in, no MPX input | Optional, MPX input | Optional, MPX input |
Ethernet remote control | Optional | Optional | Ugrađeni |
Remote control | USB, PC control program | USB, PC control program | Web remote control |
Display type | LCD, 2×16 or 4×16 | LCD, 2×16 or 4×16 | High performance OLED |
Pro level clean signal | Ne | Da | Da |
VU meter | Ne | Yes, in 200W and up | High performance, integrated into display |
RDS programming | PC software or via display | PC software | Web interface, via display or UECP |
UECP support for RDS | Ne | Ne | Da |
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