FM vodič za odabir i usporedbu pobudnika

Molimo pomaknite se prema dolje kako biste odabrali i kupili naše FM pobuđivače!

One of the first steps when building your own FM transmitter from modules will be the choice of exciter module. Below are a few typical scenarios that will help you decide. If you are lost and don’t know where to start consider reading this guide for setting up drive in cinema FM radio written by PCS Electronics. In contains interesting information to help you get started and will be valuable also for other situations. Typically scenarios in the field:

Small community stations in remote areas, far from urban centers or critical infrastructure, with limited budget. STMAX9015 ili STMAX3015 micro work best for these since they come with built-in stereo encoder and RDS. This reduces both cost and complexity. It can also be easily programmed via LCD without the need for PC to set the RDS parameters. Audio quality is pretty good. Spurious level is not suitable for professional setups as integrated digital modulator creates some in-band artefacts about -50dBc down. If you’re looking for a simple solution where those issues are not a factor (remote rural area) do get one of these, you will not be disappointed.

Small and large stations that require compliance with standards and high signal purity MAXPRO8015+ radi najbolje. Trebat će vam i zasebno SE8000 DSP+ stereo encoder ili Audio processor with MPX output. It is equipped with DIGIAMP interface and also supports MAXLINK II so when interfacing with SE8000 or amplifier you practically don’t need to solder at all. Any of these can drive any amplifier up to 10KW and more. Used in our high quality CE certified CyberMaxFM+ SE+ and BE+ series.

Evo kratke tablice usporedbe između različitih vrsta naših FM pobudnika:
Ime STMAX3015 +mikro Micro Budget series MAXPRO8015+ SB Professional series STMAX/9000+ series Low Budget series
Dostupno danas Da Da Yes/Soon
Raspon frekvencija 87,5-108 MHz (54-68 i 76-90MHz na zahtjev) 87,5-108 MHz (76-90MHz na zahtjev) 87,5-108 MHz (76-90MHz na zahtjev)
Izlazna snaga 15W, 25W 15W, 25W. 50W, 100W 15W/25W/50W/100W
Napon napajanja 12-15V 12-15V 12-15V
PLL veličina koraka 100 kHz (50KHz) 100 kHz (50KHz) 100 kHz (50KHz
Priključak za antenu MCX (N, BNC, SO239 pigtails available) BNC ženski MCX (N, BNC, SO239 pigtails available)
Vrsta modulacije L/R input (2xRCA), with  input board also XLR, USB and AES/EBU Standard MPX, with MPX input board or Stereo encoder also L/R input (2xRCA), with  input board also XLR, USB and AES/EBU L/R input (2xRCA), with  input board also XLR, USB and AES/EBU
VCO tip Integrated digital modulator Super low noise VCO + PLL Integrated digital modulator
Lažni izlaz ~-50 dBc >-83dBc ~-50 dBc
Ugrađeni stereo koder Da No, requires SE8000 DSP+ stereo encoder! Da
Digiamp Yes partial Yes full Yes full
Ugrađeni RDS Da Pro plug-in available Da
RDS kontrola Izravno s LCD zaslona ili putem PC aplikacije Via PC application (SE),  requires RDS encoder. Web remote control when used with OLED display (BE). Izravno s LCD zaslona ili putem PC aplikacije
PC daljinski upravljač CyberNanoFM+ program CyberMaxFM+ program (SE series) or web interface (BE series OLED display) CyberNanoFM+ program, web interface with OLED display
MPX input Ne Da Ne
Pogodan za: Niska cijena Stereo + RDS rješenje, sve funkcije uključujući RDS podesive s LCD zaslona. Za udaljena područja. Vrlo čist signal za profesionalna rješenja, zahtijeva Stereo/RDS koder Niska cijena Stereo + RDS rješenje, sve funkcije uključujući RDS podesive s LCD zaslona. Za udaljena područja.

Za sva ostala razmatranja i pitanja nemojte se ustručavati Kontaktirajte nas.

Primijetili smo da se mnogi naši novi neiskusni kupci bore s jednostavnim konceptima i ožičenje 2-3 ploče ponekad može biti problem. Pripremili smo popis primjera paketa koji dolaze s eksciterom, stereo enkoderom i ponekad također RDS i IO pločom. Sve ove ploče potrebno je spojiti zajedno, ugraditi u kućište i spojiti na antenu i napajanje kako bi se formirao radni odašiljač. Preporučamo vam da postavite ploče u kućište, po mogućnosti metalno kućište s malim ventilatorom (40×40 bi trebalo raditi). Rad bez malog ventilatora ili metalnog kućišta ne osigurava dovoljno hlađenje i ne preporučuje se.

U nastavku ćemo navesti ove primjere paketa s njihovim glavnim karakteristikama, možete pročitati više o korištenim komponentama u njihovim popisima (svi su dostupni za kupnju na ovoj web stranici).

  Pro level 15W stereo FM transmitter with RDS and remote control via USB Contains: –MAXPRO8015+ SuperBass FM exciter with LCD (2×16 + rotary encoder button) – SE8000DSP+ stereo encoder – RDSMAX8000 mini RDS board – IO board with 3 BNC inputs – Pre-drilled LCD panel (rotary button 2×16) for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for SE8000 for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for IO board for easy assembly Tehnički podaci: – 15W, operates from 12-15V DC (2.5A) – BNC antenna connector – Excellent stereo sound – Fantastic stereo separation – DSP sound processor (adjustable pilot via LCD etc) – RDS with PS, RT and all other functions – Two RCA audio inputs – Two XLR audio inputs – Digital audio input – USB – BNC connectors for MPX in, MPX out and 19KHz pilot (TTL) – Remote control with PC via USB or RS232 for full control over transmitter functions Zahtijeva: – Antenna and 15V mains power supply – Enclosure

Pro level 25W stereo FM transmitter with RDS and remote control via USB Contains: –MAXPRO8025+ SuperBass FM exciter with LCD (2×16 + rotary encoder button) – SE8000DSP+ stereo encoder – RDSMAX8000 mini RDS board – IO board with 3 BNC inputs – Pre-drilled LCD panel (rotary button 2×16) for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for SE8000 for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for IO board for easy assembly Tehnički podaci: – 25W, operates from 12-15V DC (4A) – BNC antenna connector – Excellent stereo sound – Fantastic stereo separation – DSP sound processor (adjustable pilot via LCD etc) – RDS with PS, RT and all other functions – Two RCA audio inputs – Two XLR audio inputs – Digital audio input – USB – BNC connectors for MPX in, MPX out and 19KHz pilot (TTL) – Remote control with PC via USB or RS232 for full control over transmitter functions Zahtijeva: – Antenna and 15V mains power supply – Enclosure

Pro level 400W stereo FM transmitter with RDS and remote control via USB Contains: –MAXPRO8015+ SuperBass FM exciter with LCD (4×16 + rotary encoder button) – SE8000DSP+ stereo encoder – RDSMAX8000 mini RDS board – IO board with 3 BNC inputs – 400W AMPBOX with high-power fans – DCDC to generate 15V for exciter – Pre-drilled LCD panel (rotary button 4×16) for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for SE8000 for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for IO board for easy assembly – 1800W mains power supply (220V required for full power) Tehnički podaci: – 400W, operates from 220-240V mains – 7/16 antenna connector – Excellent stereo sound – Fantastic stereo separation – DSP sound processor (adjustable pilot via LCD etc.) – RDS with PS, RT and all other functions – Two RCA audio inputs – Two XLR audio inputs – Digital audio input – USB – BNC connectors for MPX in, MPX out and 19KHz pilot (TTL) – Remote control with PC via USB or RS232 for full control over transmitter functions Zahtijeva: – Antenna and mains power – Enclosure, best put it in 2H rack, – Mains cable and mains switch –Maybe some normal strength size 80×80 fans

Pro level 1000W stereo FM transmitter with RDS and remote control via USB Contains: –MAXPRO8015+ SuperBass FM exciter with OLED display with web control interface – SE8000DSP+ stereo encoder – RDSMAX8000 mini RDS board – IO board with 3 BNC inputs – 1000W AMPBOX with high-power fans – DCDC to generate 15V for exciter – 1800W mains power supply (220V required for full power) – Pre-drilled LCD panel (rotary button 4×16) for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for SE8000 for easy assembly – Pre-drilled back panel for IO board for easy assembly Tehnički podaci: – 1000W, operates from 220-240V mains – Full remote control via WEB browser – UECP compatible RDS – 7/16 antenna connector – Excellent stereo sound – Fantastic stereo separation – DSP sound processor (adjustable pilot via LCD etc.) – RDS with PS, RT and all other functions – Two RCA audio inputs – Two XLR audio inputs – Digital audio input – USB – BNC connectors for MPX in, MPX out and 19KHz pilot (TTL) – Remote control with PC via USB or RS232 for full control over transmitter functions Zahtijeva: – Antenna and mains power – Enclosure, best put it in 2H rack, – Mains cable and mains switch –Maybe some normal strength size 80×80 fans  

Preporuke za sastavljanje odašiljača: 1. Install the boards into metal enclosure, fan is recommended for exciter 2. If full power is too much, set power limit jumper to desired setting with jumpers (you can select 1W, 2W, 3W, 4W, 5W, 6W, 7W, 8W, 9W, 10W….or 15W) 3. Connect antenna, audio input and supply voltage 4. You can change power and frequency with LCD as desired 5. With mains operated units please beware of high voltage, it can be deadly. Use inline mains fuse and mains filter.

Kako to funkcionira s pogonskim pojačalima? 8015+ is easy to setup for driving a pallet amplifier: – Set power limit jumper to desired drive power setting with jumpers (you can select 1W, 2W, 3W, 4W, 5W, 6W, 7W, 8W, 9W, 10W….or 15W) – Connect the SWR and power reading voltage to PWR and SWR pins (2015) or just connect DIGIAMP cable to our filter (8015) – Set the power meter voltage sensitivity (trimmers on directional coupler – usually on filter) as you wish and the exciter will never drive your amp beyond preset value.

Što je Predbušena LCD prednja ploča? – Ovo je pravokutni komad aluminija s unaprijed izbušenim rupama za LCD zaslon, tipke i LED diode. Oni također postoje za stereo koder i IO ploču. Također ima 4 rupe u kutu tako da ga možete jednostavno montirati na svoje kućište. To znatno olakšava montiranje odašiljača u kućište lijepog izgleda (eliminira naporan rad s LCD-om). Ovo je naravno izborna stavka.

Za traženje odgovarajuće antene provjerite: ovdje. Za traženje odgovarajućeg koaksijalnog kabela provjerite: ovdje.

Pazite da uvijek koristite ovaj ili bilo koji drugi odašiljač s pričvršćenom antenom ili lažnim opterećenjem.