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Donald Trump, Japanese CEO, and Hayseed hick in a sauna.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:43 am
by rexb
Anyway, so Donald Trump, a Japanese CEO, and a hayseed hick are all using a sauna when Mr. Trump gets a message from his mini-thumbnail pager. He proudly states to his two comrades, "Look I'm getting a message on my thumbnail pager" as he shows them his fingernail. Next, the Japanese CEO proudly reports, "I'm receiving a message from my earpiece blackberry. He explains that it fits in his ear and sends information like a charm". The hayseed gets worried and quickly tries to think of something to impress his suana-mates. Eventually, he comes up with an idea. He finds a piece of toilet paper, shoves it up his rear end, and boldy proclaims, "Good granny, would ya' look at that?!, I'm gettin' a fax! d'oh! [-o<