Black edition with new high performance advanced display, backed by 5 years of warranty
The new Black Edition (BE+) series FM exciter brings completely new advanced graphics display with many new features such as web control interface, ethernet connectivity, two-color VU meter, smooth rotary button operation and full control over every aspect including RDS. Sharp low pass filter, great stereo separation, fantastic reliability and tight MPX control with several limiters were carried over from the previous models. With this new OLED display and new great looking enclosures with improved ventilation it seemed completely logical that warranty period would be extended to 5 years **.
This unit is perfect for demanding broadcasters. No tuning is necessary, design is entirely wideband. All you have to do is set the frequency and output power, the rest is optional. SWR, temperature and polarity protection make it difficult to destroy the unit. Unit is housed in a brand-new 1H professional 19″ rack, new design is lighter and RF tight (does not leak RF). It is rugged and made for 24/7/365 operation. Each unit has a wide-angle high contrast OLED display.
Those who use streaming sources to stream your audio will be happy to hear that as an option we also offer industry – standard streaming service receiver which also reads MP3 files from USB port at the back. What is even cooler is that the name of the stream or song name (if transmitted by stream operators) will be displayed on the display and also sent out with RDS. Instructions how to set this up are in the manual for the LCD display.
What’s new in BE version:
– Bright 122×32 graphical LCD with rotary encoder, USB and Ethernet ports.
– Classical two-color LED-based VU-meter and forward/reflected power indicator.
– Remote control via Ethernet and web browser as standard, possible even from mobile phone
– RDS fully configurable via OLED display and web interface
– RDS is also supported via industry-standard UECP interface
– RDS can now substitute special national characters by standard recognizable by all receivers (if desired)
– RBDS and RDS are both supported
– Time update via Internet to always ensure precise CT RDS time with very precise implementation of CT algorithm. With automatic daylight savings switching.
– Firmware of all sub-systems can be upgraded via USB interface. If we release an update or a new feature you will be able to install it.
– Optional streaming and Mp3 playback which can also transmit song name via RDS
– Calibrated two-color VU meters for power, reflected power and audio level
- Verbeterde MPX-vlakbeheer (beperking op verskeie punte ingestel).
– MPX level adjustable from outside via a hole next to XLR connectors at the back
– 100 kragaanpassingstappe
– Persentasiegebaseerde kragaanpassing (50% sal nou ongeveer die helfte van uitsetkrag gee, V2 kan baie benaderde resultaat gee)
– USB digital audio input (MPX mode now features 192KHz conversion rate)
– Optional AES/EBU in MPX audio input models (later it will also be available in stereo models)
- Modulêre konstruksie, die meeste modules kan maklik uitgeruil word sonder om te soldeer
– Easy change of frequency or any parameters via display or web interface, friendly user interface
– Koste-effektief, energiedoeltreffend, lig, klein en prakties
– 1W version does not have any fan and is completely silent, 50W and 100W version have much better cooling than previous versions
Watter parameters kan ek via afstandbeheer verander?
Frequency, output power, various alarms, network parameters, time settings, audio input selection and levels, DSP parameter and RDS settings can be changed via Ethernet in web browser. No software installation is needed, just connect your transmitter to local Ethernet and open web browser to access all the settings. Check the manual for more info. Below is a small sample of the interface.
Hoe bedraad ek die sender, antenna en oudiobronne?
Kyk na die prent hieronder (kliek om te vergroot) vir 'n voorbeeld van 'n lekker radiostasie met 'n paar ateljee-items. Onderaan hierdie bladsy soek die skakels na ander items wat jy kan gebruik om jou radiostasie op te stel (WAT SAL EK NOG NODIG HET EN DIT WAS NIE INGESLUIT NIE? en WAT KAN EK AS AUDIOBRON GEBRUIK?).
Tegniese spesifikasies:
– Output power: 1W to 100W depending on the model, easily adjustable via LCD display (100 steps)
– Uitsetimpedansie 50 ongebalanseerd, VSWR minder as 2:1 vir volle uitset
– Uitsetaansluiting: BNC vroulik
– Frekwensiereeks 87,5 tot 108MHz
– PLL step 50KHz
– RF Spurious > -85 dBc @ +- 1MHz min. buite draer
– RF Harmoniese > -60 dBc min, -70 dBc tipe
– Moniteringsgelei: Krag aan, SWR/TEMP/PLL-waarskuwing
– Modulasievermoë: FM
– RDS support: Yes
– RDS CT accuracy: -+0,1 seconds
– Supported RDS groups: PS, RT, CT, AF, EON, PTY, TA, TP, ECC, DI bits, UECP interface
- Oudioverbindings: BNC (MPX-invoer), RCA, XLR en USB
- 192KHz USB-oudio-invoer vir MPX-weergawe
- Oudiovlak benodig: 4dBu (1.23Vrms @ 0db wins), -10dBu (0.316Vrms @ +14dB wins), verstelbaar in wye reeks
- Oudio-invoerimpedansie: 10 Kohms weerstand, gebalanseerd
– Pre-beklemtoning Flat, 50 of 75use
– Harmoniese vervorming (THD) <0.1%
– Stereo-skeiding: >65dB
– Modus: Stereo/Mono, verstelbaar via LCD-skerm of afstand met rekenaar
– Frekwensie amplitude: 0.5dB, 30Hz – 15kHz
– Omgewingstemperatuur: -5° tot +45°C
– Power supply: 15V(ordered separately, current rating depending on power)
– Standaard 19″1HE rek, 125mm diep (ongeveer 5″)
- Gewig ongeveer 4 kg (volumetries)
Note: BE units are available in 2 versions.
- Met MPX-invoer (byvoorbeeld van STL-ontvanger of eksterne DSP-verwerker)
– Stereo DSP/RDS-weergawe met DSP stereo-enkodeerder plus RDS
Model naam | ADV verwerker |
RDS verwerker |
XLR insette |
Volle eenheidsnaam |
BE MPX | Geen | Geen | Ja | CyberMAXFM+ BE+ MONO MPX 192KHz USB |
BE STEREO + RDS | Ja | Ja | Ja | CyberMaxFM+ BE STEREO DSP+RDS |
Wat is ingesluit?
– Sender
- USB-kabel
– Short Ethernet cable
– Mains power supply and mains cable must be ordered separately (they are listed below transmitters, get the one for your power level)! The reason is that these units can be battery powered (car battery for example), they are relatively common standard items and many have them already. Mains cables are standard desktop PC type and vary from country to country so we don’t know what type is used where you live (and sometimes in the end the unit ends up somewhere else, not where we ship it). Also, these are industry standard.
Hoeveel reeks kan ek verwag?
Jy kan meer oor omvang in hierdie gids lees HIER.
Wat is RDS?
Radio Data Stelsel, basically it displays station name and sometimes song name and similar information on a compatible radio receiver. Very popular in Europe
and also in the US.
IP audio streaming with MP3 playout from USB
This add-on card lets you receive internet audio streams or play MP3 files from USB drive. This is basically industry-standard Barix IP module inside your transmitter. Especially cool is that the stream source often also transmits song name and when this is the case the RDS encoder can also transmit song name and it can be displayed on the LCD. Read the manual to see how this is done. The Ethernet remote control part is not used here as the BE series has its own Ethernet interface in the front panel already.
What is MicroMPX IP stream receiver
MicroMPX is IP STL (studio-to-transmitter audio link) codec, specifically designed for FM radio. It doesn’t cause typical lossy codec artifacts (pre/post ringing, watery sound), and perfectly maintains peak control, even when using composite clipping. This eliminates the need to have an expensive high end audio processor at the transmitter site.
It transports complete MPX signal with RDS to your transmitter via internet. Stereo Tool software is needed in your studio to transmit the stream to your FM transmitters.
– ’n Hoë kwaliteit menger met telefoonbasters, soos hierdie baie gewilde eenheid.
– Professional broadcasting microphone with noise-free stand
– Your PC. Just plug audio cable into your sound card. With some audio scheduling software.
– CD-speler, MP3-speler of enige ander musiekreproduksiestelsel
– Vereis hoofprop wat in jou land gekoop kan word (elke land het 'n ander hoofprop en ons dra nie almal nie). Dit is standaard netprop en die prys daarvan is gewoonlik ongeveer 1 US$ of minder. Jy kan dit in enige electronics winkel kry, soos radio shack, circuit city, enige rekenaar winkel ens. Gebruik altyd geaarde prop vir jou veiligheid!
- Jy sal ook antenna nodig hê, jy kan een bestel HIER
- Jy sal ook koaksiale kabel om antenna en sender aan te sluit, jy kan dit bestel HIER (tot 20m) of HIER (20-60m) of HIER (>60m).
– Radio Essentials Kit bevat verskeie verbindings en adapters plus 'n antenna-ontleder, elke stasie moet dit enige tyd byderhand hê.
- Jy benodig klankbron (menger, cd-speler, mikrofoon, ens.). Dit is 'n goeie idee om 'n rekenaar as oudiobron te gebruik en 'n soort oudioskeduleringsagteware, soos Jazler, Raduga of winamp, te laat loop. Winamp-inproppe soos rocksteady bestaan en kan jou klank nog beter maak.
Waar kan ek alles koop wat ek nodig het om in 'n pakket te begin, insluitend antenna en alles anders?
U kan ons nagaan Alles-insluitende senderpakkette, dit sluit in antenna, koaksiale kabel en hoofkragtoevoer. Nog 'n manier om te gaan is om jou voorkeur te kies antenna hier en koaksiale kabel met verbindings here, this way you can configure your own package. Antenna accessories such an antenna analyzers are also very welcome. And of course lightning protection.
**For the warranty period of 5 years some conditions apply. Warranty does not cover final transistors and shipping cost, also natural disasters and mishandling are excluded.
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